Refuge college group

Find your home away from home with our College Ministry led by JR and Dr. Rebecca Harris. This group meets twice a month at the Messiah University campus at the Kim Phipps Admissions Building on the 3rd floor or at The Harris’ home. Sign up

Meet the Harris Family!

Dr. Rebecca Harris is the Assistant Professor of Biblical and Religious Studies at Messiah University. JR Harris is the Director of Student Financial Services at Messiah University. They have two children Lylah and Nehemiah.

Contact Us

Need a Ride?

Do you want to attend The Journey but don’t have a ride? Fill out the form and JR will be in contact regarding a ride to the church!

Need a Ride?

Do you want to attend The Journey but don’t have a ride? Fill out the form and JR will be in contact regarding a ride to the church!

Contact Us

Let us know you're coming

We can’t wait to meet you! Let us know you’re coming so that our hospitality team and staff can welcome you!